Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Full Dua in Arabic & English

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana is the Dua for asking forgiveness from Allah, these words were taught to Adam A.S by Allah so he could ask forgiveness. Rabbana Zalamna is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking forgiveness and repenting from one’s mistakes. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and recognizing one’s own faults. This dua can be found in The Holy Qur’an in Surah Al A’raf, verse no. 23.

This supplication seeks forgiveness for our own sins and mistakes. Improve your understanding and recitation of this Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua.

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Full Dua wallpaper
Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua

The most miserable loser is a person who knows the right path to Allah, the most gracious, yet he turns away from it.

Allah says in the the Holy Qur’an in Surah Az-Zumar ayah no. 65, “It has already been revealed to you—and to those prophets before you—that if you associate others with Allah, your deeds will certainly be void and you will truly be one of the losers.

Can you imagine all the good deeds that you accumulated your whole life destroyed in a blink of an eye on the day of resurrection? This will definitely happen to those who deny the Ayahs of the Allah and meeting him in the hereafter. So seek forgiveness often my dear brothers and sisters and have a firm believe in Allah, the most high.

No one is trustworthy except the person who fears Allah. Be a trustworthy person and fear Allah.

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Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The root of repentance is: determination of the heart.”

Mukhtasir Fataawa al-Misriyyah p.12

Allah loves the people who are humble and steadfast on the deen, Allah knows everything whether you admit your mistakes or not. He is Al-Basir and As-Samee, the All-Seeing and All-Hearing.

The battle of Badr is a great example of how Allah helps his servants when they ask for Allah’s help through dua. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was engaged in dua and Allah responded to his prayers by sending an army of the one thousand angels.

Allah says in Qur’an, Remember when you cried out to your Lord for help, He answered, I will reinforce you with a thousand angels—followed by many others.”

Allah answered the dua of the outcasted devil shaytan Iblis whilst he is the evil of all creation, Do you think you are worst than the shaytan?


Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Wa illam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lana- kunanna minal-khasirin.

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua in Arabic

رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلْخَـٰسِرِينَ

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Meaning in English

“Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers”.


Other Translation

Our Lord ! we have sinned against ourselves and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us ,we shall most certainly be lost“.

Read Also – Sayyidul Istighfar | Allahumma Anta Rabbi La ilaha illa Anta

Supplication (DUA) of Hazrat ADAM (A.S) – Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua – Best Dua For Forgiveness – Dua of Hazrat Adam (A.S.) by Saad Al Qureshi

Meaning of Dua in English

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana with Urdu Translation


Allah is wise so he might test his servant with a specific sin so that his servant may return to his lord in repentance. Rabbana Zalamna anfusana wa illam dua shows us how merciful is Allah the most high.

  • Very powerful dua from the Qur’an
  • Allah’s Blessings
  • Allah’s Forgiveness
  • Admitting mistakes makes you firm in your beliefs & faith
  • It brings us closer to Allah
  • Makes you a humble servant of Allah

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua Wallpaper

Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana written on Winter night wallpaer
rabbana zalamna anfusana dua
rabbana zalamna anfusana wa inlam taghfir lana watar hamna lana koonanna minal khasireen written on Syndey opera house wallpaper
rabbana zalamna anfusana dua in arabic written on New York background image
Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana written on sunset background image
Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana dua
Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Dua


Dear believers there is no point in seeking Allah’s forgiveness while not abandoning the sins, which is definitely the repentance of liars. Good Intention is really very important here for seeking forgiveness.

Ibn Abbas Said, No sin is major if you repent. So do not let shaytaan make you forget the remembrance of Allah and seeking the forgiveness of Allah.

Allah says in Qur’an in surah Al Mujadila verse no 19, “Satan has taken hold of them, causing them to forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Satan. Surely Satan’s party is bound to lose“.

Indeed, dua is the key to the treasures of Allah, the most merciful, Hayyul Qayyum. So in order to open up the treasures of Allah we need to make dua [Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana] in abundance.

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Where is Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana in Quran?

It is in the Surah Al-A’raf chapter no 7 and verse no. 23.

What is Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana dua in Arabic?

رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلْخَـٰسِرِينَ

What is the meaning of Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana in English?

Our Lord ! we have sinned against ourselves and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us ,we shall most certainly be lost

What does Rabbana means?

It means our Lord.

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